Monday, October 29, 2007


For the 1st time i've fall in love with someone who i really don't know.. whether he exist @ not. never saw him live, just a picture..only heared his voice. I dunno why.. But his persona really got my heart stuck. it's been a year..i still dunno who he's like i'm living in a fairy tale...
Now he gone, i dunno where he went to. Funny but true. I dunno what's the end & i dun want to know. I gazed up at the stars and thought, 'Will anyone ever love me again like he did? '
Well, what a past is past. The Memories of a past will always be remember...

Glitter Graphics

1 kaki merapu:

Syada137 said...

yeay! at last sis de gk blog. yahoo! psnih bley le kita jd bloggers kn?hikhikhik =D


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